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No New Posts Yellowstone

A young, geologically active world in the Epsilion system. Possessing of higher gravity than Terra, and several cities below on it's surface that power themselves by varying degrees of geothermal energy. It is considered barely habitable outside of Chasm City and Epsilon Central. With it's high gravity, three times that of Terra at the poles and slightly less closer to the equator; Amerikano's, Yellowstone's residents, have adapted to manage in the gravity.

Many have come to this planet to seek their fortune in mining on the surrounding asteroid belts.

Those that have survived this deadly environment have done well for themselves, finding themselves placed at the top of the social strata in the Canopy on the surface. Those that haven't are left to eek out a living in the Mulch or sent home directly to families in cold storage.

Moderators: Gatekeeper, Keymaster

Sub-boards: Keppler, Chasm City

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No New Posts Tangerine Dream

A large gas giant located in the Epsilon Eridani system, it is roughly one and half, to two times the size of Terra's Jupiter. It's not uncommon to see operations anchored in orbit around the planet, skimming noble gasses, and rare trace minerals off of the planet's surface.

Moderators: Gatekeeper, Keymaster

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No New Posts The Glitter Band

A conglomeration of 10,000 exquisitely unique orbital habitats around Yellowstone. Thought to be one of the most famous locations in interstellar human history, it is also home to billions of people from across the galaxy. A place of cultural, philosophical, and physical diversity, it has become a central hub of business and trade in human space over the centuries.

Moderators: Gatekeeper, Keymaster

1 1 Sunspot ISO Home food air
by littlekreen
Oct 2, 2018 14:30:34 GMT -6
No New Posts Sky's Edge

The ecology of Sky's Edge is superficially Terran, and includes recognizable plants and animals such as the hamadryad, but has been known to be metabolically incompatible with Terran flora and fauna, causing fatal anaphylactic shock in any creature or person who tried to consume it.

Sky's Edge was relatively backwards compared to most other human-settled worlds, as it possesses little in the way of high technology, and few can afford things such as the "immortality" treatments readily available elsewhere in colonized space. With perpetual war raging on Sky's Edge is the reason for this: the planet has exported little except a few biological products harvested from its extensive jungles, and most of its industries are already devoted to the war.

Trading ships stop by about once a decade, usually after being snubbed by traders in more lucrative markets such as the Yellowstone-Terra or Langara-Yellowstone-Hainia routes. The people of Sky's Edge rarely buy anything but weapons from the passing traders.

Moderator: Keymaster

2 83 What the Hell is this Hell
by demikara
Jan 8, 2019 19:23:10 GMT -6

Epsilon Eradani

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Epsilon Eradani
Named for the primary star of two within the system, it's considered the third closest of star systems to Terra and Langara, but is still frequently visited despite it's backwater territorial status.

Home to Yellowstone, Sky's Edge, and the Glitter Band to name a few. Despite it's current Aschen occupation, the system is a thriving hub of interstellar trade due to it's proximity to other star systems and it's space folding Fenrir gates.

The system does however, harbor extensive planetary debris and is home to two asteroid belts. But, the Epsilon system is still popular for it's ability to provide often needed repairs, supplies or zero-g dock time.
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